
Monday, March 22, 2010

Rolemaster Rulings: Varying Healing Rates 

When a character is wounded, I keep track of the CP damage in three categories: 1) Bulk damage (usually the CP dealt before the critical type on the Arms Law chart), 2) Critical damage (any CP done by the critical description) and 3) Blood/Burn loss (any CP does by X per round results from critical resuts).

Bulk damage - healed by Heal X to Y spells or herbs. Heals at normal per hour rate (I use CON bonus/5 + 2 per hour rest)

Critical damage - only healed by repair of the critical itself by spell, (such as Muscle repair, Mend bone, etc.) herb or skill (Second Aid or Surgery plus time) or duration (per Character Law)

Blood Loss/Burn Damage (Fluid/Flesh loss) - heals at the same rate as Bulk damage -but- per day not per hour.

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