Saturday, November 15, 2003
Link Du Jour ..... Loading please wait... You have entered Denny's ...
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Link Du Jour Top 10, to date, Scientic Hoaxes of all time... including dear ole Lucent Bell Labs at #5... wonder what Schon is up to these days eh?... hope he is unemployed like I am...
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Visual Link Du Jour FOXTROT - 11/11/2003

Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Well... after approximately 12 hours (overnight) I completed a complete disk defrag and disk error check on this PC... and it only has a 6 Gb hard drive... best noticable effect... I can delete email ALOT quicker from Netscape...
Link of the Day ... The Most Powerful Diesel Engine in the World! ... now there is a huge engine...
Link of the Day ... The Most Powerful Diesel Engine in the World! ... now there is a huge engine...
Monday, November 10, 2003
Link of the Day T.H.E. Technologies, LLC. ...where I am currently going for AutoCAD training and who are a nice bunch of folk...
Monday... ... yeah, I know Blogger dates the posts as well... just tired of typing Day XXXYYYZZZ and couldn't think of anything else... best of luck to Heleen, who is going for a job interview today! You go girl... I know she is going to do fine... btw, she is looking for a full-time teaching position near Toms River, NJ... Heleen has certifications in Elementary Education and Teaching the Handicapped... She has been away from the workforce for 9-odd years, raising our daughters and the like... and with my situation (nothing in Telecom)... we're both trying to find something... Good luck dear.