
Thursday, April 08, 2004

Webcast of interest Via Software Product Marketing (SPM) --
From: Scott Allen

Subject: event/virtual/Online Networking 101 teleclass April 9

I know that between the Yahoo Groups, Resume Blogs, and all the SNSs, you all are probably all masters of online networking.
But if you ARE new to all this, or if you'd like to hear some fresh concepts, or if you know some people who are curious, but don't know quite how to get started, I'm doing a free Online Networking 101 teleclass Friday, April 9, 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern.

You/they can register at http://www.therichlivingway.com/teleclasses.php
Hope to see (hear) you all there!
Scott Allen
About Entrepreneurs Guide - http://entrepreneurs.about.com
Online Business Networks - http://OnlineBusinessNetworks.com
Co-author, "The Five Keys to Building Business Relationships Online"

Get weekly sites, tips and news to help you
build quality business relationships online:
Online Business Networks News

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

For those of an activist bent (wrt outsourcing and the like) WashTech is beginning a donation drive to place this ad (click the ad for details) in major papers for the fall campaign season -

Monday, April 05, 2004

Good morning, spent an enjoyable Saturday at Marmalade Dog 9:Game Fest hosted at Western Michigan University (in Kalamazoo) by the nice folk of the The Western Michigan Gamers Guild. Played some D20 Stargate and Shadowrun. Fun to get back into some RPGing after all these years. If you are interested in clubs such as WMGG, check out my list at (though hehe I need to update the WMGG entry to include their website) --

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