
Saturday, July 26, 2003

Heleen and I are on a continuous quest to find the best chocolate cake in Ocean Cty.... to date, the best was at the Red Lobster (the old version of their Chocolate Plunge cake). Following that, probably TGIF and then the others.... If you know of a place (and actually read this), drop us a line...

http://www.ntes.com/home.html (temp book mark, note for self... )

Day 338 WEEKEND! :) Catching up on email.... networking... and wondering when that recruiter, who called on Friday, is going to send me that info on the potential contract position in MD!

Friday, July 25, 2003

Day 337 Almost the weekend... nice weather here... kids at the beach w friends...relax at home and continue the search, networking, introspection, anon...

Thursday, July 24, 2003

D'oh Comcast changed the directory structure for our webpages... removed the mywebpages directory and moved everything back to the base / lvl... that was odd.... fixed the setups AGAIN! :)

Day 336 Life continues anon.... researching Freelancing, courses and the like...

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Thanks to my every wonderful wife Heleen and some of the RPS-Online folk (Ben, Drew and Scott), I have a bunch of leads and places to consider for jumping back into RPG Freelancing.... Now the big question is, would anyone want me? .... I see myself as sort of a "Colour Commentator" (doing the details, descriptions, etc.) rather than the "Play by Play Man" (rules, variants, structure etc... ).... I did have an idea, waaaaay back when in the ICE ROCO days, of doing a "People, Places and Things" supplement for Rolemaster. Simply a collection of nifty people, interesting items and various settings.... That is, Colour stuff.... These days, those, I can move that to D20 - which seems to be the popular choice these days.

Ok... took a bit but I got the Archive portion of this Blog working. Oddly there was a disconnect between the URLs generated on the base page and those where the Archives actually were... When I put them all on the same level ( no Archive subdirectory ) everything seemed to be ok.... hmmm

Day 334 and 335 Closing in on one year since I left the Lucent building in Holmdel...

On Tuesday, the Saturn crapped out -- wouldn't start -- but gives me a chance to plug Eppy's on Rt 37 in Toms River. Good honest mechanic definately operating in the no spin zone!

Congrats to Denise Kazimir, one of my Cooper alums, who seems to have found a position...

Monday, July 21, 2003

Day 333 Another week begins....

So.... if anyone but me reads this - anyone know whether RPG Freelancing (modules, articles etc.) still exists and which companies are looking for material? I'm thinking of taking a 1/2 day AutoCAD class in the fall and looking for some work for the other 1/2 day... Might still have some RPG adventure ideas buried in me yet!

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Day 332 Another quiet day... Sunday, this one....

Am considering a blog-style RPG room for general chit-chat in the style/mileu of my old Ardamaster (Rolemaster in my world of Arda) campaigns... The question is, do I really want to do this and would my former players be really interested in doing this?...

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