Thursday, December 23, 2004
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a wonderful holiday season. Smiths Aerospace gives us a vacation on the week between Christmas and the New Year, so Heleen, Paul-Allen and I will probably be glued to our PCs playing World of Warcraft until we explode from holiday food. Then in 2005, back to our rigourous Weight Watchers family diet. (We did succeed, both Heleen and I have lost 60+ lbs each, Paul-Allen over 100 or so.)
We hope everyone has a wonderful vacation as well. For those still looking for work, I wish you the best of luck in 2005. Am glad to be working after 2 Christmases without a job. (We plan a little extra splurging this year... )
In case you are an Xfire user, am usually online when doing World of Warcraft as -->

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