
Tuesday, August 05, 2003

new definitions:

Gruenfelder list; to Gruensfelder; ( GROO - enz - fel - der ),1; adjective: to create a regular list of networking contacts in Excel, ex: I created my Gruensfelder list from friends at Lucent; 2, verb, to cycle through one's list of contacts; ex: Today I need to gruensfelder my contact list since I havent in a while

Thetge approach; to Thetge; ( THET - ge' ), 1; adjective: once a job listing has been found, find and call the main contact prior to sending a resume, then re-call contact to make sure the resume has arrive; ex: I used the Thetge approach for Linksys; 2, verb; to attempt to reach a company to confirm sending a resume; ex: I couldn't Thetge them since I could not find a phone number for a manager

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